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I'm using an InfoPath form text field. In the process, I'm dragging the field to a SharePoint text column using the SharePoint List Items wizard.. update metadata.


When the contents of the InfoPath field get to SharePoint, special characters are encode.  For instance     I'd  =  I'd


What K2 function do I use to fix it? Will the URL Decode work?

Hi dgilmour,


When the contents of the Infopath field get to sharepoint are they URL's? If so the URL Decode function is apropriate and will decode the special characters within the fields in sharepoint. Let me know if this helps.


Kind Regards,



Hi dgilmour,


I am just following up to check if the information supplied was of assistance. Has the issue been resolved?


Kind Regards,



Hi dgilmour,


Im just following up to check if the Decode URL worked? If not please let me know if you need any further assistance.


Kind Regards,



No. the contents of the InfoPath field are simply being placed into a SharePoint field. No hyperlink or URLs..
