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This is an updated version of the "Tooltip Icon Custom Control" from K2 France. All credit goes to K2 France for the original.





I had some troubles with the former project on 4.6.9 so I fixed them, upgraded to .NET 4.5.1 and made the control into an "input" control so that you could assign it return values from a smartobject call. I have not tested prior to 4.6.9.


It's a great control, but I'm having some problems with it when in the following scenario. I put it in the table which is upon initialization of the form hidden. When the users clicks the button the table becomes visible, but the tooltip control in it is still hidden. Is there any way to solve this without having to make rules for showing each tooltip controlin the exact moment as the table control? The problem is I have lots of hidden tables and tooltip controls.


just uploaded 2.1.0 which has show/hide support and tested your sceanrio in tables, works fine. Let me know if you have any issues.

Hi, I want to to use this control for our mobile apps. Since the existing tooltips are not usable as mouse hover will not work incase of mobile apps, I am looking for a solution which will have some event like click and I can show and hide the tool tip and not actually require space on the view/form. I really dont want to accomplish my requirement using a lable as it occupies space which will not solve the purpose. 

Appreciate your assistance.

Hi Namita, good feedback. I like the idea of being able to click or hover. I will add and upload when I can.
version 2.2 now uploaded - added ability to use onclick event instead of hover. please test thoroughly and let me know if you have any issues.

Hi wortho,


Thanks for such a quick turnaround !! I have downloaded the latest version and will try to get back to you with my feedback.  thanks a lot again.

Hi Wortho,


I got a chance to install the tooltip control in my server environment. But this control is not working for me. Should I use any specific installation process other than the mentioned one in the reference PDF? I cannot use this control as it hangs my brower everytime. Also I was not able to configure any event/ rule as no event is specified for the control. your advice is much appreciated. thanks in advance.  



Hi Wortho,

This is a great addon, thank you. I was getting a javascript error  when 'show on click' was checked, fixed by adding the following modification to TooltipIcon.js


Line 202: if (typeof options.showonclick === 'undefined')



Line 202: if (options == null || typeof options.showonclick === 'undefined')


The problem was that if options were null, then indexing into it was basically saying "if null.showonclick === 'undefined'" which was throwing a null reference JS error on page load.




Anyone tested this control with 4.6.11? Would be nice to maintain some version compatibility data for community projects IMHO.

Updated and tested with 4.7 May CU
