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In K2 workspace when accessing K2 Workspace > Process Overview > Process Instances for particular process you may run into default report display limitation of 1000 rows (as it will be indicated in the top right corner of the screen by the message "This report has been limited to 1000 rows").




This limit is configurable setting which can be adjusted if necessary by editing OOBReports.xml file.



To increase this limit you have to adjust RowLimitRecordCount value as necessary in "C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlWorkSpaceSiteOOBReports.xml"

Open the file, locate and edit following line:

For these changes to take effect you have to perform IIS reset.




Also remember to make this change on the web.config file as well, same location C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlWorkSpaceSiteweb.config
