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i am getting the folowing error when i build the project. i am also referring the SourceCode.SmartObjects.Client; namespace in the page.


the type or namespace name 'SmartObjectReader' could not be found"



Thanks in advance.

Please show more code, but there are two primary namespaces to use for accessing SmartObject data and they are fundamentally different.  The SourceCode.Data.SmartObjectsClient namepsace contains an object called SODataReader (which mimics the System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader object).  The SourceCode.SmartObjects.Client is more of an object-based approach where you have SmartObject objects in memory (i.e. SmartObject myObject = new SmartObject();) but it does not have a definition for 'SmartObjectReader' (that doesn't exist AFAIK).  Are you trying to use a SODataReader or are you truly trying to use the SourceCode.SmartObjects.Client namespace?
