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I receive this error "The file is checked out or locked for editing by user" in my K2 Service Manager. The Process consist of InfoPath and Sharepoint.

Could you pls help me from which table the service manager records the error and displays it in Service Manager.

If this is a problem with SharePoint Checkout status, i need to know how K2 detects this error and displays it in service manager.

Could anyone help me out with this.

Please have a look at the following KB article:

Hi Ockert,

Thanks Ockert,

i have another question regarding this.

if an requester keeps the document open for editing thru infopath and at the same time an approver opens the document thru the mail link,
1. whether the document open as readonly for approver
2. The document which the requester has kept opened gets closed or gets detached from sharepoint.

