The dependency 'Interop.Scripting' could not be found.

  • 11 June 2004
  • 2 replies

Badge +1

error: The dependency 'Interop.Scripting' could not be found.

i had founnd this error when i tried to build the smartform in the visual studio. i can still run the smartform properly(currently) even i had this error.

the other client's pc also had these error. :roll:

Please check it out.


2 replies

Badge +2

It is a warning message that is displayed because one of the dlls that the K2SmartForms.dll depends on needs that interop for some operations that are not used in the Smartforms project. Your project will work 100% fine without this interop.

*edit* If your compiler treats this as an error. Set the Solution properties by right clicking on the solution and navigating to Configuration Properties and under the Build section uncheck the 'Treat Complier Warinings as errors' check box.

Badge +9
Just a tip to get rid of the warning. Add a COM reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime dll (C:WINDOWSsystem32scrrun.dll) and recompile your project. This should remove the compiler warning.
