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Allright here it is I have a list we will call this Level2.  In Level 2 there is a lookup to Level1 (States) so that list crashes, or people delete items they shouldn't be deleting.  I have however saved the text in a single line of text column (StateBackup) in which the user selected WA, OR, and CA so in the text column I get WA; OR; CA

NOTICE NO IDs this is because in the new Level1 (StatesFix) list I built the values are different, while WA may have an id value in states of 33 it has an id vales in Level1 (StatesFix) of 50. 

In the Level 2 List I have now attached the StatesFix list as a lookup.  I have the data saved still in the StateBackup column, how do I know write that to the StatesFix multiple selection column?

Hi Ike,

you need to write the ID of the looked up item to the column. So you need to query your StatesFix list first with the string value of your text field and get the ID of the respective state(s). You then write back the ID(s) to you lookup field and you should be fine. You can do that either manually or create a site workflow that runs trough all of your items.



Can you explain what the workflow would look like a bit?  I'm wondering do I have to do an each and then save to a collection?  So for instance I have WA, OR, CA I know the value should look something like WA#24;OR#53,CA#59 but how do I go about getting there from WA, OR, CA?  I appreciate any help.
