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Hi, i have created workflow in the K2 first version.
When i upgraded the K2 workflow to K2 Service Pack 1.
the "Template Not Found" error occured for the SQL Server Event template in my workflow.

I also faced the same problem, appreciate if you can advise me should you have a solution.


This might be because of an old assembly referenced in K2 Studio. To verify that you have the correct assembly, please try the following:

1. Make sure the K2SQL.dll version you have in your "C:Program 2003in" directory is 3.4138.1.0, Date Modified - 5/13/2004 9:24 AM. If you don't have this version, you can get it from the Installation Disc, " 2003Program 2003BinK2SQL.dll", where E: is the letter of your CD-ROM drive.

2. Delete the SQL template from Studio. You can do this by clicking "Tools/Templates". Select the "Event" title, select the "SQL Data" template and click "Remove".

3. Now, click "Add". Give the new template a name, eg. "SQL Data" in the "Name" field, add a description if you want, browse to the location of the K2SQL.dll and select. Click "OK".

Hope this helps
