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Hi every one,

I'm facing a problem when actionning on my workflow well deployed and rightly functionning.

I'm working with k2 v 4.5(4.10059.1.0)

When i'm actionning on finala task of the workflow in sharepoint, task status is changing to "Completed", but workflow one is always "Running" as shown in the picture attached.


Is there any fixing solution for this issue?

Thank you



It looks like you are using the release version of 4.5 and that you haven't installed any further updates.

From what I remember earlier versions had this problem, but I cannot recall which version fixed it.

I would recommend that you try to upgrade to the latest version. You can download the latest version from here:

A lot has changed since the release version of 4.5 and the newest release will probably fix this issue.

Hope this helps!


Thak you for your help but I upgraded my K2 to the latest version (4.10060.1.0) but i'm still facing the same problem. 

I'm wondering if it is related to sharepoint or K2 bug.

Is there another way to fix this issue please, it is very disturbing in my case.



I had a look at the screen shot again and noticed that you are using the Sharepoint System account to action the workflows.

This account is unsupported for SharePoint Workflow Integrated workflows:

Do you get the same behaviour if you assign the tasks to another user and then action the task using that user?

If so, please look at event viewer for more information on the errors by looking at the Application log. K2 logs quite a lot in this log. It might be worthwhile to enable more verbose logging on SharePoint as well to troubleshoot this issue. I think the Workflow Infrastructure diagnostic logging option will log the workflow related events.

Let me know if this resolved the problem.


I logged in with my account rather than the system one but i still face the same behavior.

i read in the article you sent, it is mentionned that the workflow complete with error, but in my case all things work and finish right. Also, when the workflow finish, i can see in view flow window (start activity) that my workflow status is "Completed", but it is still "Running" in sharepoint site.

Thank you for the attention and interest you give to my question.

Here is an another thread where the same problem is posted and no solution is proposed


but this post seems to be interesting:

"This problem normally occurs due to one of the following issues:

1.  The K2HostServer Service Account is not a SiteCollection Admin on the applicable site; OR

2.  Something goes wrong with the SPTimer job and the queued request to change the Status never gets executed."


Have you any idea about how to force the timer job to refresh workflow status.




I'm sorry to hear that the system account wasn't the problem.

Did you see anything in the SharePoint logs or in Event Viewer?

As I mentioned, the K2 SharePoint Workflow Integration logs warnings and errors to the application event viewer log.

Please report back with any errors you see there.




Unfortunately, nothing is mentionned in file log concerning my problem.

I'm on a locked way.


Same problem here, did you found a solution?


It looks like it may be time to open a ticket on this one, if you could do that then reply back with the progress that way its logged here that would be fantistic.



I opened a ticket. I will report the status.

I opened a ticket from more than 2 months. we are changing details until they find solution.

I will report the status too.


Hi everybody,

Any update on this subject ??

Thank you,



Sorry, no updates, ticket open for 1 month now, no progress.

The problem could be solved. We received a fix. This will be included in the next release.
Who needs the fix, must apply to the K2 support.

Just an update on these types of issues. There has been some changes made in the mechanism and should resolve these types of issues. Minimum update for K2 required is 4.5 KB1390, but would suggest always go for the latest.

Old processes developed and deployed pre-1390 will need to be updated and redeployed.

Update the processes to use the new code.

1)      Run through the client event actions. Ensure the “Make the action available without opening the work item” is checked, this will enable batch actions.

2)      Redeploy



We are facing same issue.

But the things is that, the same workflow runs on different site successfully meaning it completes all the activities and show the worfklow status as "Completed"

Now when I run this k2 workflow on new site, it always show the status as "In Progress".

I have checked, the k2 admin added in Site collection admin.

But still the same issue.

Your kind help is appreciated. Thanks.


Is this a
brand new site? Or was there some previous K2 integration and did this side
undergo some clean up? Ie, deletion of list items/lists/sites etc?


The site where k2 worflow is working correctly is manually created site and the one where it is not working is, restored this site by using backup and restore.



I think your issue may be timerjob related. Please see if this post helps.



Thanks Vernon for your quick reply.

But I am not getting how it is running for first site which is also located on same farm.

is there any configuration settings I need to check for the restored site?



For speedy
resolution I suggest logging a K2 support ticket. For now provide the

Please run
the following SQL query and attach the results to the thread.

Select *
from ScheduledWorkItems where [type]= 'DE890E35-7940-44A4-9130-1DED680765B6'

Run this
against the SharePoint Content db. Ie [WSS_Portal]

Also since
this is a restored site, ensure that you re-run the K2 for SharePoint
activation wizard. This will ensure the K2 failover timer is activate to it. (Goto
Central Admin > K2 for Sharepoint > Activate all K2 Features…..) Ensure
you select the correct site collection to activate against..

Also check
if there is a K2 failover registered against the site collection after. (goto
Central Admin > Monitoring > Review Job definitions) Look for K2 Workflow
failover job there must be one registered against your Web application. Also check
that the Schedule type is set to minutes “Every 1 minute”.



Thanks for your quich responce.

Please find the below result set which returned after I excuted the SQL query. It is not well formatted, sorry for the inconvinence.

 Site ID                                                                                   Id                                                                                   DeliveryDate


 8447A705-8C8A-4A4B-85CE-E77CF50BD5D5  E7008B8E-B938-4AA1-9710-4B859A388EE9         27:39

Type                                                                                    ParentId

DE890E35-7940-44A4-9130-1DED680765B6        C4B0B3CD-1901-4A37-BB6F-98E56B092AEB

ItemId               ItemGuid         BatchId           


15                        NULL          0xAE9A94D3F827E34CB74694E91248D0DC

 WebId                                                                                    UserId            Created                 BinaryPayload

0xAC8030FA52EF28469DB5260D7EC9E27C        1073741823      27:38                           NULL



<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:clr="" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="">  <SOAP-ENV:Body>  <a1:WorkflowData id="ref-1" xmlns:a1="">  <WorkflowInstanceId>  <_a>-1392243360</_a>  <_b>7690</_b>  <_c>20391</_c>  <_d>132</_d>  <_e>148</_e>  <_f>237</_f>  <_g>211</_g>  <_h>0</_h>  <_i>6</_i>  <_j>128</_j>  <_k>53</_k>  </WorkflowInstanceId>  <ModificationId>  <_a>-1262105687</_a>  <_b>21972</_b>  <_c>20133</_c>  <_d>188</_d>  <_e>176</_e>  <_f>154</_f>  <_g>36</_g>  <_h>182</_h>  <_i>226</_i>  <_j>45</_j>  <_k>145</_k>  </ModificationId>  <ContextData id="ref-3">&#60;WorkflowData Version=&#34;1.0&#34; Type=&#34;FinishRule&#34;&#62;&#60;SPWorkflow&#62;&#60;SiteUrl&#62;&#60;!lCDATAghttp://uatmossapp01:10005]]&#62;&#60;/SiteUrl&#62;&#60;ListId&#62;&#60;!8CDATA/c4b0b3cd-1901-4a37-bb6f-98e56b092aeb]]&#62;&#60;/ListId&#62;&#60;ListItemId&#62;&#60;!gCDATA&2736d437-49b6-4f90-b196-8c888d17ed7f]]&#62;&#60;/ListItemId&#62;&#60;TaskListId&#62;&#60;!xCDATA 3719a542-a205-4b30-8d86-52de76da1ae0]]&#62;&#60;/TaskListId&#62;&#60;WorkflowInstanceId&#62;&#60;!kCDATAaad040d60-1e0a-4fa7-8494-edd300068035]]&#62;&#60;/WorkflowInstanceId&#62;&#60;ModificationID&#62;&#60;!&CDATA6b4c5cba9-55d4-4ea5-bcb0-9a24b6e22d91]]&#62;&#60;/ModificationID&#62;&#60;/SPWorkflow&#62;&#60;WorkflowCompleted&#62;&#60;!-CDATA8TRUE]]&#62;&#60;/WorkflowCompleted&#62;&#60;/WorkflowData&#62;</ContextData>  <K2SPWorkItemType>SPWorkflowLock</K2SPWorkItemType>  <TaskListId xsi:null="1"/>  <TaskId xsi:null="1"/>  </a1:WorkflowData>  </SOAP-ENV:Body>  </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> 

Processing   ProcessMachineId         ProcessMachinePID           InternalState


NULL              NULL                                     0                                          8

Also I have checked the K2 Features in the restoed site. ITs up to the mark. Everthing is activated for K2.

I am not able to found out any failure job in Monitoring.

Can you please provide your inputs on this?




Hi Vernon,

Can you please reply on above issue in K2 Workflow?

we have go-live, so need to get it resolve ASAP. Please help us on this.




Hi Amit, looking at the information you have shared i would say best would be to open a support ticket, our support team will be able to help you with this and get it resolved in a timely manner.
