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Hi Folks,

just a general question. Let's assume that a request form is filled out and is then send to 4 people defined in the destionation rules. After this happend everyone of these four people has an entry in there task list, right (worklist) ?!? Only one of them will accept the request (depending from where the request came from). Will the others afterwards still have an entry in their task list or just the one who accepted the request for further distribution? And if they would still have an entry, is there a way to delete it ?

Thx in advance
The behaviour of worklist items will depend on the number of slots for the activity. In your example, I assume that there is one slot for the activity and 4 destinations.

When the task is allocated to all 4 destinations, the status of the worklist item will be 'available', and it will appear on all 4 users' worklists. As soon as one user opens the worklist item, the status of the worklist item will change to 'Open' for that user and 'allocated' for the other 3 users. So the worklist item still exists on the other 3 users' worklists, but by default it will not be visible since only 'available' and 'open' worklist items appear on a user's worklist. The reason for this is because the first user may decide the release the worklist item, in which case the status will change back to 'available' for all the users.

Note that there are ways of opening task items without allocating it to the user when using K2ROM - refer to the Helpfiles for more information.

As far as deleing the worklist items is concerned, what is the business requirement? A better solution would be to filter the worklist items to hide worklist items with an 'allocated' status, so that these will not appear on the other users' worklists.
Cheers Neil

that was already more than enough information.
Will I always get answers to my questions that fast in this forum 🙂

It depends on the number of slots specified on the General property tab of the activity.

If the slots = 1 the only one person can open the item, once that has happened the remaining 3 items will not be visible to the other 2 users.
If the slots = 2, you will find that 2 users can open it and the 3 will not be visible.

I would recommend that you have a look at the training material for a detailed discussion/example on the workings of Activity, Slots and Succeeding rule. The training material can be downloaded from the Customer and Partner portal.

Module 05 : Intermediate Workflow design using 2003
In this module the student will learn how to build business rules into the workflow process by utilizing the various tools provided in 2003 Studio. On completion of this module the student will be able incorporate business rules into the workflow design by employing Activity and Line rules together with the various event types.
Thx Renier,

I'll have a look at that.
Good support here.
If a single workitem is routed to 3 activity steps in parallel, this means that each activity destination user will display a workitem for each activity. If a user opens one of these activity workitems the other 2 aren't marked as open/allocated as they are separate work items in there own right. Is there any way of locking these as potentially you may not want more than 1 person opening a case that is in parallel steps.

Or is the only way to implement Case locking on an application DB?
I assume you're still referring to the problem explained in:

If so, let's rather handle it in that thread - otherwise, let me know.

