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Sharepoint 2013 (Workflow engine 2010), Nintex Workflow and Forms 2013,

After responding to a flexitask of a site workflow the comment field of task item will be updated but the workflow will stay incomplete and pending and the task is locked thereafter (Error This task is currently locked by a running workflow and cannot be edited.).

I can unlock the task by PowerShell script as described in Task Lock - Task is locked by a running workflow and cannot be edited , but then same behaviour occurs.

Workflow instances have been running for months without problems. No modifications were made.

Any ideas how to complete the task so the workflow will continue?

Kind regards


Hi Manfred,

did you customize the form of the task or was it imported from another tasks form? In my case a broken connection to the Decision column was the reason for this behaviour.

Sometimes, in the cases described above the connection to the Decision column gets lost so the task can update but not complete.

Depending on the action either the finish task button is connected to the Decision column (e.g. request review action) or you have an approve-reject-radiobuttonlist that is connected to it (flexi task for example).

I'd suggest you have a look on a default actions form and check how the connection is set up and afterwards check if the same connection to the outcome column exists in your action.


Hi Enrico,

the form is shared with other Flexi Tasks by copying Flexi Task action. Radio button list is connected to Decision Task column. Other instances of this site workflow has been run and terminated without any problem.



Solution for this Problem? I have the same. 214356_pastedImage_1.png


After Approve the Flexi Task not finish:



Hi Manfred, have you found a asolution or known the cause of this issue?? 

I have the same problem, when I hover over the task, it is telling me that it was completed by one person and the other is pending. I check the task list and it is in fact "Completed". The task is configured to be the first person responds completes the task. The other person's task is still sitting in "pending status" rather than "Not required". And the task is not taking the outcome and moving on!!

any ideas?!


i have some additional Information about my Problem: 

For my flexitask i use multiple task for aplly (see my post above). Now i found some Workflows with an errorcode. The workflow still running but the tasks not complete. Have you any ideas?

  1. The first Task approved
  2. The second task pending and never end

In some Workflows i found  this error log


and the workfklow stop here


My problem in ths case i cant reproduce this error on my system. 

We are having the same problem. I am commenting to be notified if any solution is posted, I'm sorry to those who check the post hoping for information as a result.

2 years later and I come here because this is the exact problem I have. Assign to-do task has been answered, setting is to first response applies, task list shows as completed but the workflow is stuck. Same (Error This task is currently locked by a running workflow and cannot be edited.) error. 


Only changes I made is some changes is in the emails the tasks send, added more information and standarized them.

What is the solutions for this?

@eduva, when did you make those edits? More importantly, the task lock issue usually shows up when you have a task already assigned and then its trying to be updated. 


If this is a blocker, please visit and submit a support case there. 

It happened hours after the task was sent and answered

I am facing the same issue and am posting here, hoping to be notified of a solution.

I'm experiencing the same issue. Posting to be notified if a fix is added. 

Same problem here. Just posting to get notified.
