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Task re-assignment


When you have a requirement in one of your workflows which states that the initiator of a workflow must be able to edit task assignees either before or during their assignment.

For clarification, on initiation the user specifies who will fulfil each role in the workflow (Reviewer, Approver, Printer etc.). This information is stored in a custom SQL table and accessed using SmartObjcects. In this case, it is easy for us to edit the intended assignees when the task has not yet been assigned to them.

The issue you are running in to is identifying a method by which you can re-assign/redirect an assigned task to a different user.

Is there a method out of the box for the initiator to re-assign who the task is currently assigned to?


At this current moment in time this is not possible out of the box, and a custom approach would have to be taken which would result in tampering with the K2DB.

It may be better to reach out to our K2 services who can help further implement this.

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