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Can k2 handle the failed request for the exchange mail server, If the exchange is unreachable for some reason can the engine of k2 keep trying to send the notification until its up again, I know its related to the message queuing, but can you suggest a way to grantee the send of the notification or the email ?


What you need to remember is that when sending a normal mail eventthis is done via smtp and all is happy. notification mails are sent via MSMQ and as such hat k2 does is drop the mail in either the MSMQ private or public queue depending on what the client has set up Once we drop the mail in the queue from a k2 perspective the mail has been sent and we have no further interaction as such.

In essence if exchange is down k2 will not be bothered as it is still going to drop the mail in the queue whether exchange can process or not.

SMTP is the choice to guarantee delivery For normal mails and is definitely not inconsistent as Exchange

Hope this answers your question.


What you need to remember is that when sending a normal mail eventthis is done via smtp and all is happy. notification mails are sent via MSMQ and as such hat k2 does is drop the mail in either the MSMQ private or public queue depending on what the client has set up Once we drop the mail in the queue from a k2 perspective the mail has been sent and we have no further interaction as such.

In essence if exchange is down k2 will not be bothered as it is still going to drop the mail in the queue whether exchange can process or not.

SMTP is the choice to guarantee delivery For normal mails and is definitely not inconsistent as Exchange

Hope this answers your question.

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