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I have created simple 2 step k2 workflow for infopath library and deployed successfully but I am task items are not showing up in K2 Worklist.


Can anybody let me know how to resolve this issue?


Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you.

To troubleshoot go to the K2 Workspace/Management and go to that process and look at its state.  Is it in Error or Active?


If in Error go down to the Error Profiles and look at the error message for a clue.


If its active then go to the Worklists and filter for that process to see who its actually assigned to.  Make sure if you're checking the worklist in SharePoint that you're logged in as that user or simply in the k2 workspace redirect the task to yourself.


That should give you some information to troubleshoot with.

Hi Tim,


I cannot see workflow instances under management console either.


I have followed following steps:


I have created workflow for a form library and then deployed and I didn't get any errors when I deployed workflow.


Then created new item in library.


But ondering why I am unable to see instances. Am I doing anything wrong? Please let me know.


Any help would be appreciated.




If there are no instances it means the form wasn't submitted correctly and the workflow didn't start.  However, it normally gives an error when you submit if there is a problem.


So you deployed the process and the Infopath form using K2 Studio?


When you click the submit button what happens to the form?  Do you get any error messages?

THank for your comments.


I used K2 Web designer to create workflow and deployed.


i just followed below video to create workflow.



I tried to access and edit the deployed worklow from designer but  i couldn't see. Is it permission issue?

If you created it you should be able to see it in the designer.  If not just try creating another simple one and make sure there are no errors in deployment or anything.


Personally I prefer to use either K2 Studio or Visual Studio since it gives you more control but there should be no problems with getting the K2 designer for SharePoint working.

Hi AA7584,


Is your workflow starting?

 And is it giving you any errors in workspace under:


>Management Console

> tServer:5555]

>Workflow Server


>All {Look for any error's relating to your current process}


>Go to home in workspace

>Process Overview

>Look for process and click on it.

>Locate lasts started process and click to open.

> Locate "view flow" and click

>This will show the workflow and at what stage it is.




Hi AA7584


Please confirm what you meant with you "could not see" the Workflow that you created in K2 Designer.

Were you unable to open the Workflow or are you refering to the item in workspace?

Please provide us with a screenshot, this could help confirm a few questions we have regarding this issue.

Hi AA7584


Just doing a follow up on this post, we have not recieved any feedback regarding the request for additional information. Please confirm if this issue has been solved and if not please provide us with the relevant information for us to continue investigating.

Hi AA7584


We have not recieved any feedback in regards to this post the request for additional information. Please confirm if this issue has been solved if it can be marked as such or do you require futher assistance?

Hi AA7584


I am kindly marking this post as solution due to no response and no solution being marked.


Kind Regards
Raymond Jansen Van Rensburg
