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Hi all!

I am creating a workflow and I have a 'run parallel actions' action in it. In the end of every branch there is a review.

The first review goes to the person with index 0 in a person collection, the second review to the second person in the collection,.. (up to 7 in total)

What happens is (I tried it with 2 persons) that both reviews create a task (which is good), but if one person closes the task it still stays open (and in the workflow history it says 'pending'). When the second person closes the task, the task of the first person closes, but the task of the second person stayes open (I waited an hour or something and it is still open..)

Why is that? Why does my task close when someone else closes their task? Any idea how I can find the problem? Thanks a lot!

Please add the snap shot of your workflow.

Hi, ‌, its hard to screenshot it because it is really big. I started my computer today and saw that the task closed and the workflow went on without an error. But it took him 14 hours to close the task and go on! Now the next review in the workflow is taking a long time too (which closed after a few seconds before I added the parallel actions).
Is it possible that my workflow is "too big"? Maybe that makes it so slowly..

take a look at this:  

Separating the workflow into smaller workflows might help and could be the first step to debug the issue.

Hi, thank you! Yes I divided it already, everything is working fine now. But I don't like that the workflows have so much problems when adding a lot of actions to it..
