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Does anyone know where the System Value Current User [Name] is obtained. Our users have changed this value AD but this value has not changed in that object and I need to know what to refresh or reboot in order to fix it. Thanks in advance

I've always assumed it's the username they're logging into the PC or network with, but I'm not 100% certain.

I thought it was that too Victoria but I got the user to loginto a fresh machine using his new ID and K2 is still showing the OLD ID when tranfer that object value to a data label. I'm wonering if the System Values have a smart object that they are bound to and therefore a System type service instance that needs to be refreshed. The puzzling thing is the Dev environment is working as expected, Live is not, but live is not bounced alot like dev is. Thanks for the input. I'll keep digging, I have reaised a ticket so I will update

K2 does cache a lot of user information in their database so I have no doubt it's something like that.  I know I have done it in the past where we had to expire the user's cached profile in the K2 database, but I was on the phone with K2's support and they walked me through it.  I think it was the Identity.Identity table.


Hopefully somebody with more certainty than me will respond to your question, but whenever it comes to the database you should always open a case with their support as we're not supposed to be poking around in there.

Dear ,


System value as i know is the current logged in user to the  browser ,

and if u changed its name in AD , u might wanna give a try and refresh couple of service instances ,

go to ur tester utitlity and refresh the following :

1-Account management --> account management service .

2-AD service2 --> Active directory service2

3-User role manager service --> URM service .


Note: if none of the above worked out for u , u might wanna try performing cache refresh .


Hope it helps!


As Smartforms is also an ASPX web application, perhaps it is also experiencing the same issue as below; regarding the LSA > SID cache per server:

Thanks for the continuing input: I can confirm the OLD IDs are being stored in the identity.identity table, however, runing the cache clearing script has no affect (thanks for the tip though, I can see that comming in handy) because the two columns that contain the old username [id] and [fqn] are not affected by it. My next question is what is the affect of just deleting that row? My guess is it will just be populated whent he user logs on to the system again however, I'm still waiting for support to get back to me about the impact of doing this, but if anyone else knows or has done it the meantime.......

Sorry it's taken a while to reply, had a rather fruitless support call with K2 whereby we couldn't agree on what was causing this issue. AFter some digging around we have finally worked the problem out.


So to reiterate what it isn't:


1) Not browser cache

2) Not K2 identity cache

3) Not windows session desktop token

4) Not K2 session token

5) Not Session cookie 


Turns out IIS has a SID cache, as previously explained the SID dis not change whent he user ID changed in our environment so requests to smartforms etc were being resoved by the SID cache and not by AD. IN order to fix the issue the SID cache value must be set to zero to force IIS to go look for the user from AD based on the SID. To do this a reg entry must be added to the LSA section of the registry. All the details are in the MSKB below:

Thanks for sharing!
