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in a list view I'm using the sum function on a column of values. with paging enabled, i'm only getting the values for the current page. How can i get the values for all of the pages?


Dear ,

I have faced the same issue once , the only work arround i could do was adding a data label in my list view to recieve my sum , and added a hidden list box control , configured the data source exactly as same as my list view to return the same values , then i added for loop for the list control and sum thr values and transfered it to the data label .

Or u could do that using a data base level stored procedure and create a SMO off of that stored procedure then call it in the view/form to return the sum of these values.

Hope it helps!



Althought it would cause overhead, you could generate the same list in another hidden view, and remove the paging. Transfer the coalated data to the visible view. 

Depending on how much data is involved, could slow the page down. But it would work. 


