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Does anybody know how can I perform a "Submit and Duplicate " action on my form. What I want to do is that if user hits "Submit and Duplicate" after the item's saved, form still remains opened and some values from the saved form must be transferred to the new one. Guess this should be done using JavaScript but can't figure that out sad.png


Hi Sara,

you could configure the save button to save and continue. This will save the form but leaves it open for further editing. You only need to make sure you provided all mandatory information.

In the background a workflow can run when the button is clicked. This workflow could use a create item action to create a new item with the information you want to transfer to it.

Would that be useful in your case?

Using this approach you might think of a second save button that the user can hit to save the item but without starting the duplication too.

Best regards


Thanks Enrico,

Just one more question how can I trigger the create item workflow on button click? 

I found this:  will figure that out!

Thanks Enrico
