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There is a main form and sub form. Height of main form exceeds heights/size of the screen. When we open sub form from this form by default it is being positioned in the center of the screen. When "maximize" button is clicked on sub form it "flies" to the top and user have to scroll up main form because of that, in case when main form is too "lengthy" sub form flies too far to the top that user even unable to see it until he scrolls up... If "minimize" button clicked then sub form "flies" to the bottom of main form.


This is known issue with sub-form positioning. Coldfix is available upon request to address this in issue in 4.6.9 and this coldfix is slated to be included in 4.6.12 release.


Coldfix for this issue is included into K2 smartforms and Control Pack 469.9 Roll-up which is available upon request through K2 support. This particular fix is slated to be included in 4.6.12 release.

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