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I have been tasked with figuring out a way to do bulk form creation for a Nintex form and I wanted ideas on the best way to approach it so I can minimize the amount of fields a supervisor may enter. Is it better to approach using a SharePoint List Data view for form creation, or use repeating section, or use a CSV they upload and it parses it to get all the values. Has anyone done this and what are your opinions? Each form is unique. Example use case, new hire form where a manager hires a bunch of people at once and wants to add all at once instead of needing to launch and create an individual form every time.

Hi David Dean‌,

To understand you correctly: You want to create items in bulk in a SharePoint list?

You also say 'Each form is unique'. So what is the "backend" of this? One content type or multiple content types? One list or multiple lists?



Currently it's one content type, but we are looking to break it into several content types in one list. We are looking to rebuild it because it's a giant form with many fields and performance has been an issue. 

Hi David Dean‌,

Sorry for the late reply. I have been busy with many things lately.

So it is bulk Nintex Forms creation you seek. I do not forsee a way to bulk create unique Nintex Forms. Even in this time of automation, or many people like to say 'Digital Transformation', some work is just still good old manual labor.

Nintex Forms does have the option to export/import forms which could be useful for certain cases.

As a side note, I almost never use one list with multiple Nintex forms due to permissions reasons. Do not forget this aspect. You often do not want users to be able to see/change each other forms (items).


