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i found this error in the SourceCode.Workflow.Management.dll , version 4.9213.450.0 , file size 487kb.

when applying this code


ErrorLogCriteriaFilter errCriteria = new ErrorLogCriteriaFilter();

errCriteria.AddRegularFilter(ErrorLogFields.ProcInstID, Comparison.Like, procInstID);

//errCriteria.FilterCollection[0].ColumnName = "[_ErrorLog].[ProcInstID]";


and checking the errCriteria.FilterCollection[0].ColumnName, you will notice that the value retrieved is  " _ErrorLog].]ProcID]" not " _ErrorLog].]ProcInstID]".

this results in retriving a wrong result set.

ther is no error in the SourceCode.Workflow.Management.dll , version 4.10060.1.0 , file size 495kb.

if this error is reported in the KB, then i am sorry because i dont have access there.
