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Pretty new, and working through a Proof of Concept.


I'm creating a subivew that's basically a lookup list, they double click the list item and it populates it back on the main view.


here's my rule - basically makes sure the field to fill in is empty, if not, pops up a confirmation, then loads the form.

The problem is calling open view 2 different ways as a subview..





As you can see the choice for view to then respond to a method/control has 2 choices.

If you choose one of the other, it works - but only for whichever one was called from the original rule.


Hope this makes sense.

I choose one of those "views" with the same name and then only one of the ways to open the view from the previous rule works to then have the double click work.





Can I just find out on which environment you are working on? And just to find out which rule might be causing this behaviour please try to remove the rules and excute them one by one, you should be able to track which rule is faulty. 


Please update the post after you've tried this


Kind regards


Hi BBarlow


Please confirm as to what the question is here. I can see that your rule construction makes very much sense and that this would most definitly work correctly if the configurations are done correctly as well. althou I do not understand why you would want to an if statement that does exactly the same thing no matter if it returns tue or false.
 Please confirm your question. Thank you
