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I would like to start multiple instances of a process using a value from a sql database. I have been able to create a K2Dropdown List that is populated from the database and then I select a single value. Selecting each value is inefficient since the database has over 4000 instances that need to be started.

Please note that I am using an aspx web page written with C# and using Studio version 3.5140.1.0

Any help would be appreciated
Do you need user interaction i.e. does it matter which item gets selected or should each item just be selected serially?

You'll have to write a custom app to connect to SQL, loop through the 4000 items and call the K2ROM.CreateProcessInstance and K2ROM.StartProcessInstance method for each item.

Thank you for your prompt reply

The database table has been pre filtered to inlcude only valid values, therefore all values can be created serially.

Thank you for your advice
