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I'm deploying a workflow with an Infopath form to a MOSS 2007 forms library. Previously this would deploy but give an error when using the form, but now it will not deploy at all. It fails during the build process with the following:

 Error 1 Property accessor 'Path' on object 'SourceCode.Workflow.Design.InfoPath.FormTemplateItem' threw the following exception:'startIndex must be less than length of string.
Parameter name: startIndex'
   at System.ComponentModel.ReflectPropertyDescriptor.GetValue(Object component)
   at SourceCode.Framework.PersistableObject.Validate()
   at SourceCode.Framework.PersistableContainerObject.Validate()
   at SourceCode.Framework.PersistableObject.SourceCode.Framework.IValidationContainer.Validate()
   at SourceCode.Framework.PersistableObject.Validate()
   at SourceCode.Framework.PersistableContainerObject.Validate()
   at SourceCode.Framework.PersistableObject.SourceCode.Framework.IValidationContainer.Validate()
   at SourceCode.Framework.PersistableContainerObject.Validate()
   at SourceCode.Framework.WizardDefinition.SourceCode.Framework.IValidationContainer.Validate()
   at SourceCode.Framework.PersistableObject.Validate()
   at SourceCode.Framework.PersistableContainerObject.Validate()
   at SourceCode.Workflow.Authoring.Process.Validate()
   at SourceCode.Framework.PersistableObject.SourceCode.Framework.IValidationContainer.Validate()
   at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.Compiler.WorkflowCompiler.Execute() C:Program FilesMSBuildSourceCodev1.0ProjectSystem.targets 28 6 Expense2

Does anyone know the cause of this?

I have not seen this one.  However I would try going back through the InfoPath integration wizard and allow K2 to rebuild its SmartObject integration.

We are getting the exact same problem - except that the person who built the InfoPath forms and did the initial integration is the only one who can open, edit the forms / processes, and deploy the processes.

All forms and processes are stored on a mapped mnnetwork drive, and the mappings are the same for all of us (m:).

We have tried re-running the K2 Visual Studio configuration manager as was suggested by Mike Talley, and have re-run the InfoPath Integration wizard as well - neither of these have resolved the issue.

My biggest problem with this is that the InfoPath developer is rolling off onto other projects, and we need to distribute out the ability to update and deploy these processes and forms to other resources.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!



Again, have not seen this problem before.  You mentioned you have a problem getting to the files because they are on a share somewhere with no access.  Hopefully your network admin can help you with that.

On another note, you can still get access to all the code if it import.  To get the InfoPath form, if the form is published to SharePoint simply go to the form library and download the .xsn.  To get the process code, go the K2 workspace, go console manager, go to the processes, open the versions node and download all the process code.  To get SmartObject, in visual studio go to the K2 Object Browser, right click a SmartObject and select save local.  This is because all K2 code is declarative and not compiled.

Now if you have any .Net custom libraries being used by your processes I cannot help you there.


Thanks japergis, it did it for me.
