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we have 2 list workflows in a list, one of which is the actual workflow which does the task, the other one is more of a worker one which enables the main workflow. Our requirement is to kick start the list workflow at a particular time. Initially we were using a pause operation in the worker workflow for it to wait for a particular time of the day and them make it run. That had issues due to which I was looking for an alternative. Saw the "start workflow"operation. scheduled it for a time and made it repeat every 1 hour for testing purposes. the end schedule is "indefinite". we noticed that it does starts the main workflow, however it runs over the hour. for eg: if it is scheduled for 8am, it would start from 8am and rum every minute till 8:59am.

I tried changing it to run every day, I still see it running every minute.

Can anyone tell what is my mistake in its configuration or exactly what I need to do to make it run just once.


start workflow config:


Thanks in advance.


Hi Arpita,

in the configuration you say "End Schedule" - "Indeifnite" that means you workflow runs forever. If you want it to run only you should check "Number of repeats" and set it to "1".


