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Hi, what I am attempting to do is very basic so I hope someone can give me a clue... On my SmartForm, I have a button and a rule on the button so I can use the "Start a Workflow Action." Here's some info on the setup:


Workflow is configured to "Start the Workflow When.... The Workflow is manually started manually."


The SmartForm is used for both New and Edit of the list item, and there are two buttons that Create/Update but one of them will also start the workflow using the "Start a Workflow" Action. In configuring the action, I set the Folio to the Title of the item, and the Item Reference is set to the Item Reference on one of the views.


When running the form and clicking the button, I do not get any errors but the workflow doesn't start either.


So my main questions are:

1.)  What values are epxected for the Start a Workflow Action Inputs, Outputs

2.)  What Workflow Start settings are needed to initiate the workflow this way.

3.) Could it be a permissions thing? I would think the K2 would use my credentials for starting the workflow, but perhaps it's using a service account.


Any insights is appreciated.



It figures, I sorted out my own issues.... Apparently, the item reference that I was passing in was incomplete. So I used a Get List Item by ID method just before starting the workflow to ensure the item reference was complete. Then, it worked. I did find an Error in the Management console that said "String was not recognized as a valid Boolean." So I figured it had to do with the item reference.


