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Hi All, has anybody tried to create in SmartForms a standard Dialogue box for responses from users other than just OK?


I have a need to tell the client if they perform this action X it will wipe their previous responses.

I'd like a standard Dialogue Message box that allows me to have Yes, No, and Cancel.


The Standard Message rule only gives OK as the response.


Again any help would be appreciated.


I've tried making a form but it looks ugly.




HI All, I've managed to peice together a Form that Shows the Messages I want displayed to the Client.
But I don't know now how to get back the Users Responses.


I Open the Form as a Subform from a MainForm using the 'Open a subform' and I pass it my MessageID so that i loads corectly.
See the Image below.

I still need to work out how I get Back the Clients Response to my mainform.


 Thanks anyhelp would be appreciated.




Hi Keith,


The best way would be to use a subview instead of a subform to display the message with the Yes, No & Cancel buttons. You then configure your Form to open the subview when required, and on the Form you will have to structure a rule (On Subview - (On View, when Delete Button is Clicked) subview, when Yes Button is Clicked)

which will access the subview and and set a text box to a value on you main view depending on which selection was made on the subview.


I have attached a package called "Keith Package.kspx" to this post which demonstrates the exact outcome you require. Please use Package and Deployment to deply this package.


Package use Instruction:

Enter an ID and load, then click delete and choose yes, no or cancel on the subview. you will notice that depending on your selection made the Response text box will be poulated and only on the Yes click will the record be deleted.


Kind Regards,


Thanks RaymondJVR, you sent me in the right direction.

From your previous response I thought I wonder If  there is an event rule for a Subform that would do the same as your SubView Rule and sure enough there was.


I found the following rule that I have put on my Mainform. 


'When a control on a subform raises an event'




and I just use a simple 'Transfer Data' rule to assign a hidden control on my form to YES, NO or CANCEL 

which I can test. I will clear this label before I load the Subform.

Then just clos the subform.


Thanks again 


