An SSRS report that I placed in a SmartForm using the Content control, it works fine IE but in Chrome it is blank.
It seems that the Content control does not load because of an HTTPS protocol error. This is standard browser behavior and applies to any website with an IFrame (Content control) hosted on an SSL page. If you have a parent site that is HTTPS the Content control URLs must also be HTTPS.
You can get around this by not accessing the Smartform via HTTP or by changing the URLs used in the Content control to HTTPS. First option requires you to change the K2 configuration, second one requires you to host your SSRS report under https:// web site.
It is possible to change the default behavior of Chrome to allow the insecure content (but this is not a recomended configuration). You could also try this option to confirm the issue. If you want to allow the insecure content in Chrome please do the following:
1. Right click on your "Chrome" icon (if the icon is on the taskbar then Right click on "Google Chrome" again)
2. Choose properties
3. At the end of your Target line add the command line flag to make it look like :
"C:Program Files (x86)GoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe" --allow-running-insecure-content
If you no longer want to allow insecure content in Chrome please erase "--allow-running-insecure-content".