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Please help.

I m using the SQLUM.

When I open my Work List I get the following exception. Server is not configured for windows authentication
All the other pages are working fine.

Does anyone have an idea?

Thanks W
Did you go to the 2003 Workspace page through the Login.htm page OR did you directly browse to Workspace.aspx? You need to login through Login.htm first.

Hi Ockert,

Thanks for your reply.

I m using the following http://ISSServerName/k2v3/workspace/WorkSpace.aspx?ServerName=K2ServerName&Connstr=[;];Authentication=External;User=MyUserName;Password=MyPassword

So I am sending the service my login details.

Do I still need to use the login.htm?

I ask this because on the report and search pages I m authenticated correctly and I can view my data.

Thanks again.
No, that should work just fine. In effect that's exactly what the Login.htm does.

I suspect the problem is in IIS and the error is thrown even before the request gets to Server but...

Have a look at the K2Error.txt file in's Bin directory for any clues.
Make sure the 'K2V3' site as well as its sub-sites runs under the same Application Pool.
What version of and which Service Pack are you running?
What OS? Any service packs?
What version of IE?
There should be an IE setting on the Advanced tab called 'Enable Integrated Windows Authentication (requires restart)'. Try to de-select this option.

The longer you use SQLUM, the more pain you will have when you eventually migrate.
I have been playing around a bit with the SQLUM. I have found some of the configurations a bit tricky (not intuitive to me at least).

(At the very least, hopefully this info may help others getting SQLUM errors.)

After installing SQLUM, I attempted to test the settings via loading the K2 Service Manager and checking out the settings, which gave me mixed results.

1) Sometimes the "K2 Service Manager" > (Right Mouse Click) > "Edit Server Registration Properties" would load fine, but:
2) Attempting to use the "K2 Service Manager" > (Right Mouse Click) > "Properties" would fail (I was attempting to get to the "User Manager" tab).

I found that I could not use the SQL Server 'sa' account (and password) that I set as the K2/K2Log database DBO would not work for both K2 Service Manager conect strings in #1 and #2 above (well duh!).

Therefore the setting in #1 above is to set this to a valid account stored in the K2SQLUM database's 'K2User' table.

The setting in #2 (under the 'User Manager' tab) needs to be an account wth DBO permissions ot the K2 database (in my case, the 'sa' account).
