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Item View for SQL table SmartObject return empty fields for columns of datetime type whereas they actually contain data. Read method executed for this SmartObject return values for datetime fields in SmartObject Service Tester, as well as List method when run from both SmartObject Service Tester and SmartForm.

Sample reproduction steps:
1. Create a table in SQL database which contains column of datetime type, and add some data into this table, including data in datetime column
2. Refresh or create SQL Service Instance in SmartObject Service Tester
3. Create SmartObject from the table created on step 1
4. Check SmartObject in Service Tester by executing List and Read methods
5. In K2 Designer generate views for SmartObject created on step 3
6. Check List View for this smart object (List method) – datetime column is filled in
7. Check Item View (Read method) - datetime column displayed as it is empty. Using F12 developer tools in IE it is possible to see that fields in response to this request are empty




This behavior maybe related with incorrect SmartObject.ExecutionCulture settings which normally should match with regional settings on your servers. Currently K2 4.6.9 Setup Manager does not preserve these settings node in web.config during upgrade process and resets it to default “en-US” so you may need to verify and adjust these settings manually once you completed your upgrade process.



Verify SmartObject.ExecutionCulture settings in web.config for SmartForms Runtime and Designer, which looks as follows:

Upgrade process resets this value to default “en-US” and you may need to change this to match your server Regional Settings in your environment.
When configuring the servers for DateTime cultures in K2 smartforms, it is important to ensure that all servers are using the same timezone and culture settings. This will prevent issues with datetime values. Please refer to KB001458 “Configuration settings required when configuring the servers for DateTime cultures” for details about these settings.

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