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Hi All

I have searched high and low for some form of documentation on the SQL data events but it seems there isn't any? Unless someone can point me in the right place 😃

I have a list of AD groups held in an a process-level .xml field. I want to write that list to SQL (with each group in the list being a seperate entry, natch).

It seems that the SQL Data Event allows me to do multiple entries.

But I can't make it work! I've been playing with the settings (ie the repeating node and K2 fields), and either the process errors or it will only write the first entry in the list to SQL.

My .xml schema is like this:


So I select "Multiple Entries", set the repeating node to "K2.ProcessInstance.XmlFields("CriticalProfiles/Root")", and next to the column name I select the K2 Field "K2.ProcessInstance.XmlFields("CriticalPRofiles/Root/CriticalProfiles")".

But it doesn't work!

Am I barking up the wrong tree here? Is this what multiple entries is for? Have I configured my SQL Data Event correctly? Or do I need to roll my own code for this? Or could it be a DB problem?

So many questions!

Thanks 1,000,000 in advance,

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