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Hi all,

I have some problems using the SQL Data Event. I created a fairly simple database (on my own machine). Additionally I have a test document (InfoPath form) after submission of the form I want to use the Data Event to Instert a single Value entered into the form to the Database. The connection is set to Use Windows Authentication. The Error message I always receive says: "Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection." When I push the "Test connection" button in the Data Event wirzard the test runs succssesfullly.

Any suggestions ?

The problem is obviously with your SQL connection.

Remember the context under which both the Server and Studio runs.

Run-time: Server runs under the user specified in the properties dialog box of the Service - probably 'Local System' (unless running in console mode)

Design-time: Studio runs under the context of the logged-on user

Try to run Server in console mode and see whether it goes through.

Okay Ockert,

running in console mode does the trick, but i am still a bit lost. What exactly do I have to change so that it runs in non console mode as well. Do i need to give that user you mentioned (run time) permissions to my database?

Thank you, you're always a big help !
You need to start the Server Service under the same user you're logged on to the machine as.

Open your OS Services console:
Administrative Tools | Services
Double-click the ' 2003 Server' service
Select 'Log On' tab
Select 'This Account' radio button.
Complete your info (username and password)
Select 'Apply' and 'Ok'
Restart the Service.

Your the man.
Thx again for support. It works now.
