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Hi All,

This should be really easy, but I cannot for the life of me figure it out, or find anything in the documentation for this.

I create a sharepoint list item in my process, and one of the items in the list is a url.

Later in the process I want to remove this url from the list.

How can I do this using the GUI??

Many thanks for any help,


If you ve used the SPS List Template to create the list item, it is pretty simple to remove the link.

Firstly, create a dummy data field (type string) and ensure that the value stays empty.

Then, copy the event that originally inserted the list item, paste it in your process where you want to delete the URL in question, right-click the copied event and select Run Template... Run through the template again, but select Update List Item in the List Item Action section.

Then, in the Assign List Item Values screen, you can remove all assignments for the fields that do not need to be updated - if no assignments are made to a field, it will remain unchanged when the event code executes. You will also need to remove the data fields originally assigned to URL and its description and instead, assign the values to the dummy datafield mentioned above. I did try to assign blank values (spaces) in the fields, but the event template is smart enough to truncate spaces and as such doesn t actually change the values.

The alternative is to modify the code behind the wizard to insert the empty strings, but it seems like the more difficult way around.
Thanks DC, that's great.

Seems like a bit of a roundabout solution but it certainly works so I am happy! And certainly performing this action programatticaly will be more complex 😃

Thanks again,

A problem that I have might be related to this. Appreciate your help on this.
I have created a task with the help of SPSS Task Event from K2. Issue is it appreas for everyone. Also, hen the concerned perspon has executed the task, it doesnt disappear from the list.
Any ideas?
Can you clarify what you mean by the SPSS Task Event? I don't see this.

I actually meant Sharepoint 2003 List which is used to create task list items in sharepoint. Aplogies for the confusion.

I have used it to create a task under sharepoint for a K2 Samrt form. But I have two problems:
1. The "All Tasks" link in Sharepoint shows all tasks even if I log in with a different user credential. I dont want other users to see what someone else has on his plate.
2. When the assigned to user opens the task and completes it, it doesnt disappear from "All Tasks" or "My tasks". How do I do it?
3. How can I get the List Item ID of a task?


Hi Shortwire

I will try to assist you.

I assume you are using a standard Sharepoint Portal Server task list.

I would suggest that, while I don't have a lot of familiarity with the list web part, that your questions 1 + 2 are Sharepoint issues rather than K2.

I believe that these behaviours are by design.

1. All tasks does exactly what it says on the tin, shows all tasks. You can make "My Tasks" the default view for the list by clicking the web part header, choosing "modify settings and columns". Under "views", select the "My Tasks" view and tick the box to make it the default.

2. There is a view called "Active Tasks", it basically filters out tasks with status = completed. You can apply this filter to other views by customising using the same method as above.

3. I assume this is easily achievable, however, Sharepoint does not provide that information to you. You could retrieve it direct from the dbase, which I wouldn't recommend, or alternatively there must be a way using the sharepoint object model.

Thx Richard,
That was quick!

I now know how to do 2 and 3. But still my problem around 1 remains.

What the requirement is that a person who is not the owner of a task should not see other's task. He wont be able to edit it, thats fine, but he should not also see other's task. Changing the default view wont suffice as he can always switch back. Is there any other wau to achieve this?

Also did you have a chance to work with K2 Net Web Parts in SP?

You could always delete the other views.

Unfortunately that's where my knowledge of the task list ends.

I have done something similar with my Sharepoint, however - maybe you can get an idea from this.

In my process, I write all my task data to a SQL table.

Then, use frontpage to create a data view onto the table.

I filter the data view to show only tasks for the current user.

I prefer data views to sharepoint lists where I can, as they are a lot more flexible in terms of recieving connections, filtering and display options, and you can even use conditional formatting.

We do not use the K2 web parts as our infrastructure prohibits this. I also find the K2 web parts to be quite limited. You can achieve much more using a data view.

Sorry I can't give you a straight answer.

Thx a ton Richard. Let me try with my own views.
