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Hi there,

Newbie K2 questions. In my process I have created a variable the contains a comma-delimited string of user names.

For example: DenallixBob, DenallixJane, DenallixTim

I want to split this string into individual users to use in the destination rule, where do I do  this?

Please can help.


Use the Split() inline function.  This requires you to be on 4.5 at least.

Thanks Johnny. Is it the right way to go to set the variable in an activity prior to the activity that does the manager approval or do I set the variable in the same activity?

If I set the variable in the same activity, how do I then use the variable in the Destination Rule of that activity?

You can take a look at these 2 articles I wrote.  It might help give you an idea of what I mean.

Awesome thanks Johnny.

Thanks for the tip.

More so if each of your values were account names:
DenallixBob, DenallixJane, DenallixTim

How would you suggest I load the user details from AD. I already have a SmartObject but when I used the SmartObject Event I cant bind the output to an object I have to bind each attribute of the SmartObject to a text data field. Is there no way to store the object?

