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Hi all,

we want to update our K2 environment from SP2a to SP4 and I have a few questions on this:

  • Will the update of the Server have any impact of running instances which have been developed and delpoyed under Studio SP2a ?
    After the installation of Studio SP4 can I open and extend / change / etc. solutions developed with SP2a without any issues ?
    Are there any other points to be aware of ?

Another issue we are facing is that our K2Log is tremenously growing. few figured out that it is mainly the _ProcInstXmlAudit and the _ActInstDestXmlAudit table which are causing this error. We were know thinking to truncate this table (delete entries) and afterwards use the K2 archiving tool as we are running out of disc space.
Any comments on that ????

Any suggestions are very welcome.
Thx in advance
If you want to update from SP2a to SP4 their is now problem, but if you downgrade from sp4 to SP2a it will cause a problem

For the K2 log this attachment contain the k2 databases size estimation

Hope this will be helpfull 🙂
Realize that K2 SP4 is the first version that supports .Net Framework 2.0.
All previous versions supported up to v1.1.

Sometimes during new K2 Studio and K2 Server installs and/or upgrades, if 2.0 is installed on the machine, K2 will recognize 2.0 as a newer version and configure itself to use this newer version by default...not always desired.

I would HIGHLY recommend that after upgrading, you remain at v1.1 until you can validate the SP4 is working properly, then (if desired) upgrade your Framework versions in a controlled fashion. Confirm Framework versions in K2 Studio and K2 Server, refer to KB154 for help. (minimizing the number of variables to validate and troubleshoot during/after upgrades is essential to happy admins, developers, and users! ;-)

Also confirm that all K2 Studio clients, other K2 Components (K2 Out of Office et al), and K2 Server environment versions are in synch to avoid problems. Also, some users upgrade K2 Studio Framework to 2.0 and export to K2 Server (1.1), eventually generating errors and forcing an entire platform upgrade to 2.0...typically work not built into their daily plans ;-)

Lastly, make sure you back up your K2 Studio solutions prior to upgrading - once you upgrade and save the K2 project to a newer version, there is no easy way to go back.

I hope this helps.
Hi Guys,

thx for all the information. But one more question regarding the K2Log.

@melhem what attachment are you talking about ?
Something else to think about is to disable auditing for your XML datafields. I'm assuming that you are using InfoPath and by default Auditing is enabled for the K2InfoPathSchema XML field for the process as well as all InfoPath Activities.

This will definitely cause your Log db to grow at a big rate, especially if you have a lot of InfoPath Activities in your process. Most of the time the auditing is not needed and/or used and disabling the feature will save you a lot of space and maybe even a slight gain in performance in high load environments.
One additional question. Will i face the same problem with SP3 ?
I mean can i downgrade from SP3 to SP2a ???

Thx in advance.
