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For some reason in the 'Connected To' drop-down of a calculated field, none of the multi-line columns from the SP list are showing up.

Is there any workaround for this, as there is a business case where in the calculate field needs to be bounded to a multi-line column and stored in the list.

Any help would be highly appreciated!

Yes, there is a workaround. Ironically, I posted a blog about it the other day.


Set your column to a single line of text column and create it. Go to your form, connect your control to your column and publish your form.

Go back to your list settings and then column settings and now set your column to a multi line column. The form will stay connected to your column.

Definitely not ideal and I'd like to know why Nintex don't allow you connect to certain column types like this, but it's a workaround. 

‌ did this resolve your issue?

YES! So thankful for this workaround! This worked for me too. Thank you so much!
