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Event Viewer

Log Name: Application
Source: SourceCode.Logging.Extension.EventLogExtension
Date: 13/11/2014 09:50:18
Event ID: 2010
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
2010 Type Load Error, Method 'get_Item' in type 'SourceCode.Deployment.Runtime.ComparisonContext' from assembly 'SourceCode.Deployment.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ccc736a195883455' does not have an implementation.




We established that this folder that is been referenced should not be there



We established that there was a rogue folder that seems to be present in the
C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin
called HostedServersInternal

In this folder existed a dll called SourceCode.Deployment.Runtime.dll.
This folder and files should not be located in this directory.
We believe that folder was created to make a back up off the dll's.

The K2 Host Server loads these dll into memory at the start which it should not.
this then causes the error.



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