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Few users are getting disabled (Enabled = 0) in K2 Identity service, this causes a problem when it's not able to get System Values Current User in Browser for those users.



Issue is reproducible when denying K2 Service account access to that specific user object in AD, see steps below.
-From Active Directory ADSI Edit tool andgt Find the user object and add the K2 service account to it with Deny permissions (i.e right click Users andgt CN=user_name andgt Security Tab andgt Add K2 Service Account and Deny permissions).
-Expire the user from Force Identify Refresh tool.
-Re-cache the user back via UMUser SmartObject?s Get Users Details method.
-Check and verify that the User?s properties are not being populated and the user is disabled in K2 Identity table.


Giving K2 Service account corrected Read right to AD Users Object should resolve the issue.

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