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I have K2 Host Server installed in my sandbox and everything seems to work ok. However during testing I noticed that some accounts don't get results back when calling SmartObject methods. For example, if I run the SmartObject Tester with the logged in account and call the List Method of the Activity Instance Destination SmartObject, I get results back. However, if I run the tester as the service account that K2 is supposed to run as, the same call does not return results.

I'm curious why I get different results. Both accounts are local admins, both are K2 admins, and both are members of the db_owner role the K2 database.


As the Activity Instance Destination SmartObject is a reporting Smartobject, it is a process-level permission that determines the access to this data. Having "Admin" Server Rights (K2 Workspace > Management > Server:Port > Workflow Server > Server Rights) or being the K2 Service account (full DB access) is not enough to view Process Reporting data.

To view Process Reporting data, the executing account will need either the Process Level Rights > "Admin", "View" or "View Participate" on each of the processes that that you wish to view the reporting data for (K2 Workspace > Management > Server:Port > Workflow Server > Processes > ProjectName > ProcessName > Process Rights).


Process level "View" rights was granted to the executing account.

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