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I got a Theobald Soap WebService that retrieves customers data from SAP.

The WebService works great with the action Call Web Service. But i want it to work with the Web Request action because Nintex Forms does not provide the other action .

Here is my problem :

With Workflow, i know i have to set the SOAPAction header, but i don't know how to fill the request.

With Forms (the most interesting use for my case), how to do the same ? :

In workflow:

Erreur web request.PNG

In forms :

form_webrequest error.PNG

here is the request i used

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:erp="">








Thank you for your help,



You can use script to call it from Forms if that's any help? Call SOAP services from a SharePoint page (WebService Designer, JavaScript) - Theobald Software GmbH


Hello Jan,

That's a good idea ! i'll take a look

however i would really like to make the web request work, any other suggestions ?


You'll need to format the soap request according to the method you're calling, you can try SoapUI which may help you get the syntax correct, SoapUI |


So i finally found the reasons why my web requests failed.

Workflow :

The Content-type must be "text/xml; charset=UTF-8", not application/xml

Then the request shoud be like :

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web="">








Forms :

The Content-type must be "text/xml; charset=UTF-8", not application/xml

Then the request must be properly written on the "run now" window. It was on the first configuration window but it needs to be proper on the run now to execute correctly

Hope it will help !

thank you for your help Jan

Hi ‌,

I am trying to implement the same in my form, but when I open the 'Run Now - Web Request', it looks completely different to yours. This is my environment SP 2013 - Nintex Forms 2013, below is the wizard


I am trying to integrate with EAMS, to get the data. I need to create a wsdl before calling the web service, this system will send response to me in the format of my wsdl requested.

Could you please help me in configuring this ? I need 'emp name', 'emp id' from empDB, 'emp id' will be filled by user in the form, this is too confusing.

Appreciate your help!
