SmartObjects Service not accessible
I enabled the Smart Object Services in the config. But I am not able to load the site...
It says page cannot be displayed. How can I tell if it's actually up and running?
The 'exclude all' node was switched back to 'false' in the config file. The service was then restarted and the endpoints were exposed at the URL pasted below.
XML pasted below...
<smoServices enableEndpoints="true" enableEvents="true" enableCrossDomainPolicy="false" specialCharacterReplacement="_" scheme="http" server="Denallix" port="8888" serviceRoot="SmartObjectServices" enableMetadata="false">
<wcf binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="wsHttpBinding+Windows" />
<rest binding="webHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="webHttpBinding+Windows" />
<endpoints />
<excluded all="false" />
The endpoints specified in-between the 'endpoint' nodes are SmartObjects that you do not want to have exposed.