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Hi All,

I have 3 SmartObjects; a header, an item and an approval step.  For each workflow process I have one header.  Each header has many items and the header also has many approval steps.

I want to query the SmartBox to return all items where header.workflowstatus = 'InProgress'.  How would I go about writing a smartobject method that does a join on two SmartObjects?  In SQL the query would look like:


SELECT     *
  Header ON Item.Parent = Header.ID
  Header.WorkflowStatus <> 'Completed'


Many Thanks


Hi Dave,

As far I know you can run a sql query like above on your smart objects through the data provider...

Some example code:

SOConnection conn = new SOConnection(“blackpearl”, 5555);
SOCommand cmd = new SOCommand();
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandText = “INSERT INTO Employee] (FirstName) VALUES (@FirstName)”;
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SOParameter(“FirstName”, FirstNameTextBox.Text));
int recordsInserted = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

I think there are some limits to the SQL commands you can use - the last I heard the limits where:

  • No nested queries
  • No aggregate functions
  • and no TOP syntax.

These things will be possible in the feuture too, not sure in which release..



Thanks Gerhard, that's good to know, I thought it was hands off the database.


Hi Dave,

No let me clarify - these SQL commands are NOT run against the SQL database - this is done through the service object API, so these are ADO.Net "SQL" commands, and never directly on the DB. Have a look at the SourceCode.Data.SmartObjectClient namespace in the developer reference. Hope that makes sense?



Thanks Gerhard, that makes sense.  I've used the SourceCode.Data.SmartObjectClient namespace.

I thought there would be a SmartObject orientated way of retrieving, rather than ADO.NET.  I've seen the Conditional Class and Join Class in the SDK.  SmartProperty's have AssociationsTo collection so thought there would be a way of retrieving SmartObjects and their Associated SmartObject using a SmartObject method.


This is related to a problem I am having regarding querying for SmartObjects so I thought i'd resurrect this thread.  I would like to be able to query for the most recent Activity for every process instance.  I would this run as one query, but am unsure of how to do this without using MAX/Inner selects.  Any ideas?


Thank you,

