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Using SmartObjects in a CultureInfo with a different number format (e.g. German) there is a problem storing decimal values.

When I store the values I can use the number format of the invariant culture as a number format provider in the ToString method:

NumberFormatInfo nfi = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat;


Value =  _TotalCosts.ToString(nfi));

Reading the values from the SmartBox there are two results:

If I read with Get List the values are read correctly: e.g. 1000,00 in the database with UI culture german converts to 1000 in the string of the SmartObject.Propertiese"TotalCosts"].Value. If I use the Load method the result of the same property is 100000.

How can I tell SmartObjects to use the correct NumberFormatInfo as of the Save method. What's the difference between the Get List and the Load method concerning the NumberFormatInfo?



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