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We are developing a solution where we have 4 roles in the process- Creater, Performer, Verifier and Auditor. The same roles are used in almost 50 processes. We have to generate the report for all the processes which is common. Can we make use of the SmartObjects to store the common data and generate report. If yes, how should it be implemented?

Do we need to have SharePoint installed on the K2 server as where ever implementation of the SmartObjects is given, it is only with SharePoint or InfoPoint. How it should be done for a web application using ASP .Net and custom database?

I have few more queries:

1.Can SmartObjects be used for storing application (transaction) data as well?
2.Does SmartObjects leads to performance issues?
3.Are there any best practises to use the SmartObjects?
4.Is there any limitation of using Smart Objects with custom database?
5.What is SmartBox and when it should be used?

Thanks in advance



I would suggest you get a copy of the K2 blackpearl Professional book and read the SmartObject chapter.  It will answer all the questions you have.  Here is an abbreviated response.

- Yes - you can reuse smartobjects across reports you generate in the K2 workspace.
- SmartObjects run on the server where K2 is installed.  There is no other install required to use SmartObjects.
- There is an .NET API which you can use to use SmartObjects inside a page.  This is all explained in the book.
- Yes - SmartObjects can store application transaction data.  SmartObjects basically a .NET data provider.
- SmartObjects will not lead to performance issues.  However poorly written SmartObject "Services" can lead to performance issues.  Again, check out the book.
- Tons of best practices in the book.
- SmartObjects are meant to provide access to custom databases.  There are dynamic SmartObject Service providers that are available in the Blackmarket website.  However if you want to write your own custom, LINQ, or whatever code and use them in a SmartObject Service, the book explains how to do this.
- The SmartBox is again discussed in the book and the many assumptions around it.  I am personally not too big a fan of it expect for rapid development, proof of concepts or demos.  I prefer a custom database.  What the SmartBox is a custom SmartObject service which will generate SQL Server tables based on the definition of your SmartObject.


OK, I will have a look at the book.

