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I am trying to call the Acitvity Instance Destination smart object from my C# code, so i generated a C# class and dropped it into my website.  I then call the following code: 

 Activity_Instance_Destination aid = new Activity_Instance_Destination();
aid.ProcessInstanceID = Convert.ToInt32(ProcessInstanceID);
DataTable dt = aid.List();

 I didn't change anything in the class and everything works when i run it locally in Visual Studio, but once i deploy it i get Method could not be resolved! thrown from the area in the auto generated C# class where it executes the return soServer.ExecuteListDataTable(_smartObject); code.


I have no idea where to go from here.  Any help is appreciated.

Typically, the "Method could not be resolved" error is due to a version mismatch between servers. You might want to double check via Control Panel -> Programs and Features on all K2 related servers that the versions match.

As Revan mentioned, likely a version mismatch or a deprecated API call.  This error gets returned when method parameters or types don't match.  Because it works locally and not when you deploy to the server, I would guess that your local and server APIs are different.

You people are geniuses.  Give yourself 12% of the credit for me solving this problem.

No problem, and any time!
