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SmartObject Smart-Box Erratic Output


We have created two similar Smart-Box objects, per Expense Claim Application tutorial Step _5, and rendered them through a dedicated View. The first object didn't work well, so we tried again with the second object, but the issues are only getting worse.

Overall, it seems that if we make any changes at all after the initial save of smart objects, views, forms, etc., even if we are tediously careful to save and checkin each object in order, the changes break what we had before and the result is something unexpected.

1. Date and Time output does not display. Choosing a Style of output has no effect, but only once we could see a Long Date output - now it's gone and we have tried for many hours to replicate this to no avail.

2. The view using the Smart-Box as a source displays the older items for new List Items. We have no idea why. We use the ID of the List Item to correlate the Smart-Box with the List Items 'header,' but this doesn't seem to work.

3. The auto-increment Id field in the Smart-Box keeps incrementing from one List Item to the next. Isn't this a number per Smart-Box that starts at 0 each time? That's how the Expense Claim tutorial seems to work, but replicating that implementation doesn't work - and we don't want to try and display that number so we don't break the working tutorial.


Item 1: This issue of the customers ticket was solved by changing the output of the Date and Time display control which fixed this issue.

Item 2: This actually has to do with the way the customer is calling the load method on their view. On the view in question going to the General section of the view there is the option to "Call this method when the form loads". Making sure that the associated checkbox is not selected will fix this issue.

Item 3: After trying to create an Editable List View and add an incremental field to it, it was discovered that a stored procedure has to be used to make this functionality possible. At this time the customer does not have the ability to allow Port access to his servers which makes this a difficult item to fix.

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