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Hi Guys,

I have created a view from the SmartObject (SmartObject used is the one under Workflow report that has all process instance details with data-fields ). It shows records of all the listed fields in view as well as in Form when it runs in K2 designer. However, when I open the form from the worklist webpart, the same view does not pull all any records. I didnot change any rules for the views or in the form when it initializes. I do not understand why its not working. Any suggestion is highly appreciated.


Scenario: All I wanted to do is pull some records from the worklist smartobject (Folio, Process Instance ID, startDate, view flow, originator etc) with some data-field of the process Instance (StoreNumber, Invoice Number, Date, Amount) .


Reason: User will be aware that same invoice does exist in the other workflow process instance and know its status and avoid duplicates of processing the same inovice.



Pic-1 showing records in the K2 designer.



Are you running the View/Form as the same account as when opening it via Sharepoint?

Usually Reporting Smartobject are affected by Process rights.  The accounts attempting to view this Reporting Information will need "View" right on this process that they wish to see reporting data on.

Thank you Tin. I tried using report view in the smartform and didnot have view rights before. Once I gave view rights, it worked. Thanks for pointing out.
