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I created a "List" SmartObject based on a SQL stored proc. When i test the smartobject on the K2 server using the SmartObject Service Tester the values returned are correct.
I think created a list item view in SmartForms to display the values and they are all multiplied by 1000000000. Bizarre.
The language settings of the server appear to match those of my local machine, EN-US.


This type of issue could appears if the K2 Service account have a regional setting setup with comma instead of . for the decimal separator or if the web.config have the parameter ExecutionCulture set to EN-GB.


Verify that the Service K2 account has for regional setting parameter (in "Change date, time and number format", click on "Additionl settings ..."). (Dot) as the decimal separator. More generally that it is in a US format.
In order to do this check, you must log on to the K2 server with the Service K2 account.

And check the value of the "SmartObject.ExecutionCulture" key in the files
C: Program Files (x86) K2 blackpearl K2 smartforms Designer web.config
C: Program Files (x86) K2 Blackpearl K2 SmartForms Runtime web.config

It should be:
andltAdd key = "SmartObject.ExecutionCulture" value = "en-US" /andgt

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