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I am attempting to build an Employee SmartObject that is similar to the "200YHZ Employee" example in the "Expense Claim Process" hands-on module.

The problem is with the "Read" method, which is setup (via 2 Smartservice methods) to

1) query the eHumanResources].]Employee] table. which returns (and maps) the "LoginName" back to the SmartObject's "LoginName" property.

2) The second ServiceObject method uses the "Active Directory Service 2", "AD User", GetUserDetails method and passes in the SmartObject's "LoginName" as the required parameter.

When I deploy and test the SmartObject it complains that "SmartObject property LoginName is a required property for selected method Read. Value must be set."

Obviously it is referring that the second Read serviceobject method requires a value in "LoginName", but I was under the impression that this would be provided by the database value obtained in the first call to the database??


Second attachment.. details for the method call



Did you ever get a solution to this? I'm having a similar issue building the 200YHZ solution, keeps prompting for a Manager name that should have been passed.


Yes, I was offered a cold-fix from K2 support. However I didn't go through with applying a cold-fix as the new release of K2 Smartforms 1.0.3 was made available on the 17/07/2013.

This release is supposed to contain this fix. I am still to upgrade my installation though, so I cannot confirm whether it has sorted out the issue or not.
In the interim I had moved all my user data into the SQL database to avoid the problem.

Let me know if 1.0.3 sorts this out for you? 


Will try it and let you know.

