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Hi all!


I'm getting this error when trying to start a Workflow. For some background, I had incredible amounts or trouble with a SmartBox SmartObject so I finally just recreated it and pretty much the rest of the project. So of course I also recreated the Item Reference using the new SO. However, I can't start the Workflow anymore. I get the error above in Workspace. The Source is a Data Event where I'm setting Folio, SharePoint Folrder name and URL, and doing some date formatting. I notice that the Folio never does get set so I think that's the portion of this event where it's erroring out. I've rebuilt it completely at least about 20 times and redeployed to no avail. 

Hi Mallory


It sounds like you are starting the workflow from the K2 Workspace? If so, are you providing the ID value in a data field for the workflow to use (Clicking Load Data Fields and providing a value for the workflow to use in the Load event)?


One thing you can try is to Update the Design Template (right click the design canvas in K2 Studio or Visual Studio and select this option) and re-publish the workflow.



Looks like whatever load method you are calling on that smartobject, the ID input field is missng for that load methd. I would reopen the workflow and then remap the smartbject input for that field. If you have recreated the smartobject again, it will lose mapping even if you keep the same name. this is becasue, K2 uses GUID's to link smartobjects and workflows, views , forms etc etc. So if you have deleted and recreated a smartobject it will have a different GUID even if t has the same name. The workflow will not know, its the same smartbject, you have to remap the smartobject to the workflow and then deployit and test.


Hope that helps
